e-Observatory for the development and professional practice of Digital Teaching Competence

What is the teacher digital competence? 

José Luis Lázaro Cantabrana

Throughout the latest years, the ARGET research group delved into investigating the processes of training, evaluation and accreditation of Teacher Digital Competence (TDC). The TDC is viewed as a complex competence that consists of putting knowledge, skills and attitudes into practice in order to  integrate digital technologies into the teaching process. 
We consider that the work of the teacher goes beyond the walls of the classroom, it goes beyond this space; the teacher contributes to the projects of the educational institution, tries to improve the quality of the school and the educational community and makes efforts to address the digital divide.

We consider that  it is wrong to associate the teacher digital competence with the use of certain tools or applications. We view the teacher digital competence to be more complex and for this reason we suggest addressing this competence from a broader perspective and getting adapted to the continuous changes produced by the advancement of digital technologies.

According to our research studies, the digital competence is divided in 4 dimensions. The first dimension makes reference to the didactic and curricular knowledge and the teaching methodologies. The second dimension is associated with the organization and management of digital spaces and resources. The third dimension includes the aspects related to communication, ethical use of digital technologies and digital safety. The last dimension includes aspects of personal and professional character. MORE INFORMATION