e-Observatory for the development and professional practice of Digital Teaching Competence

Teacher’s digital identity : Be and to be in the digital world

Webinar on May 5, 2021, with the participation of Isabel Gutiérrez Porlán, professor at Murcia University, and Olga Belmonte Vila, education inspector for the Baix Llobregat territorial services and moderated by Vanessa Esteve González, from Rovira i Virgili University.

To understand teacher’s digital identity, it is previously defined that identity is the set of traits that characterizes a person or a group and these characteristics differentiate it from the rest.These characteristics are understood in a concrete context.

As the individual is understood from psychology, identity is an inherent aspect to the human being. 

All people need to have an identity, it is a concept that depends on the socio-historical context in which we find ourselves, and is currently characterized by the technological component. Today we are, we live, and we relate to each other online and this influences our own identity.

When we talk about digital identity, we refer to who we are online.

All the activity that we generate on the network makes up our digital identity. But not only how we show ourselves, and how we act, but also who influences us and whom we influence.

There is a part that we can control, and there is other information that does not depend on us and we may not even know that it exists. It is a part of the most current identity, it depends on what I do and what others do.

We have to be aware that the pages we visit, the searches, the opinions, the content we share or even the favorites; they leave a trace:

the digital footprint, which provides others with more information about us.

We are giving information to third parties about opinions, tastes, hobbies and other relevant data such as age, studies, population or relationships.

Therefore, having good digital identity management is key to controlling visibility, reputation and privacy on the network.

In times of pandemic, the teacher has found himself before a teaching-learning scenario in a technological environment and we have realized the importance of digital identity as teachers.

But we do not all have the same resources.

The responsible creation of profiles on social networks, thinking about what data will be published and, differentiate the personal profile of the professional 

The presence in the network or the non-presence, already constitutes the digital identity.

It is essential to be aware of the web environment in which we participate and that we do so ethically.