e-Observatory for the development and professional practice of Digital Teaching Competence

Digital Technologies for the inclusive education
Mònica Sanromà Giménez  
The purpose of this short video is to demonstrate that the digital technologies are effective tools that ensure learning opportunities and social participation for all learners, without excluding anyone. This is a transversal view of the 4 dimensions that constitute the TDC.
That is why we consider that teachers’ full development of digital competence will guarantee an inclusive, equitable and quality education for everyone and especially for the most vulnerable students. To be more precise, the teachers are expected to carry out the following five main actions; 
  • Firstly, teachers are responsible for the evaluation, selection and use of appropriate digital educational resources for students in different educational contexts.  
  • Secondly, teachers are in charge of the creation and adaptation of these resources according to students’ educational needs and learning processes.
  • Thirdly, teachers need to make use of the digital technologies to create flexible and personalized learning processes. 
  • Fourthly, teachers have to promote students’ digital inclusion meaning their access to the DT, the development of their DC and the compensation of their personal and social needs through the digital technologies.
  • Finally, teachers need to take advantage of the potential of all these resources as they are «assistive technologies», some students without these resources, would not be able to develop in their day-to-day life and fully participate in educational environments.